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Open Enrollment for COBRA Qualified Beneficiaries

It is important to remember that all Qualified Beneficiaries (anyone who is currently on COBRA or in their 60-day COBRA election period) must be given the same rights as active employees during the employer’s open enrollment period.   Under COBRA law, the Plan Administrator (employer) is obligated to send all open enrollment materials provided to active employees to eligible Qualified Beneficiaries as well.   The Qualified Beneficiary receiving continuation coverage is entitled to the same COBRA eligible benefits, choices, and services that a similarly situated employee is currently receiving under these plans.

Did you know that you can arrange for NEO to help administer your Open Enrollment as an extension of our COBRA administration services? NEO will distribute the open enrollment material, collect and track any changes made, and provide compliant reporting on those changes.   By outsourcing this responsibility to NEO, it allows your current staff to be available for other responsibilities. Please contact NEO at COBRA@FlexNEO.com for more details!

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