HR News
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HR News & Articles
Enhance Your Employee Benefits Package By Adding a Consumer Driven Account (CDA) by BASIC
DATE: Wed, Nov 02, 2022
TIME: 2:00pm EDT to 2:45 pm EDT
Proposed Federal Paid Leave – American Families Plan
President Biden's American Family Plan would offer 12 weeks of…
Get Ready for Required Direct Deposit of Federal Benefit Payments
Like it or not, retirees receiving Social Security and other…
What’s New for the 2013 Tax Filing Season?
If you've not already received all of your 2012 W-2 and 1099s,…
Important Tax Figures for 2013
Every year, the dollar amounts allowed for various federal tax…
Healthcare Reform Law Interactive Timeline
The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation has published an interactive…
BASIC COBRA, Now is a Good Time to Look Back
COBRA generally applies to all private-sector group health plans…
The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 Pertaining to Transit & Parking Benefits
<span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: small;">The…
Standard Mileage Rates Announced for 2013
The Internal Revenue Services (IRS) issued the 2013 optional…
HHS Issues Guidance on Health Plan Reinsurance Contributions
As part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA),…
Building Good Leaders: The Role of Coaching
Employees will walk over hot coals, figuratively speaking, for…
Making Performance Evaluations Drive Results
A reminder of the basic purposes of performance evaluations sets…
Bulletin from the Illinois Department of Insurance
From the desk of Andrew Boron, Director of Insurance at the Illinois…
IRS Releases New Guidance for Same-Sex Couples
The IRS released frequently asked questions to provide answers…
Jumping to FMLA Conclusions Doesn't Pay Off
You strive to remain FMLA compliant and your employees are expected…
Survey Finds Limited Employer Interest in Health Insurance Exchanges
As we approach celebrating the New Year, the Midwest Business…
HHS Launches Tobacco Free Website
On November 15, Health and Human Services (HHS) announced the…
Vacation and Paid Time Off (PTO) Carryover
With the end of the calendar year fast approaching, many employers…
Preventing Common COBRA Mistakes - Do's and Don'ts
With so many requirements under COBRA, it's easy to make a mistake…
Completing HSA Form 8889
If you are a beneficiary of a Health Savings Account (HSA), then…
Social Media Under Fire as an Employment Screening Tool
California has just joined Illinois and Maryland in putting an…
Tracking is Key for Flexible Employee Work Schedules
The percentage of companies that permit or encourage flexible…
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