HR News
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HR News & Articles
Enhance Your Employee Benefits Package By Adding a Consumer Driven Account (CDA) by BASIC
DATE: Wed, Nov 02, 2022
TIME: 2:00pm EDT to 2:45 pm EDT
Proposed Federal Paid Leave – American Families Plan
President Biden's American Family Plan would offer 12 weeks of…
Hobby Lobby Case Puts the Supreme Court Focus on Religious Bias
As a reminder, in the case involving the Hobby Lobby retail…
Curbing Employee Absence Abuse with BASIC
An employee's ability to sporadically take small increments of…
Supreme Court: Inherited IRAs Don't Qualify for Bankruptcy Exemption
The U.S. Supreme Court has held -- in a unanimous decision --…
IRS Clarifies Its Position on Contributing to Employee Health Coverage
Last year, the IRS spelled out how it would treat employer contributions…
FAQ regarding implementation of the Affordable Care Act
Set out below is an additional Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)…
FAQs Released About FMLA Leave and Same-Sex Spouses
1. Q. What regulatory change is the Department proposing?
Update on the IRA 'One Rollover a Year' Rule
The U.S. Tax Courtmade a controversial ruling in January that…
Don't Become the Latest DOL Press Release: On-Site FMLA Investigations
The new Department of Labor FMLA Branch Chief is calling 2014…
BASIC's Absence Management: Simplify & Improve Employer Administration
Managing multiple employee leaves can present a huge drain on…
Is Severe Obesity Protected by the ADA? Some Courts Say 'Yes'
Last month, a U.S. District Court rejected an employer's petition…
Amending the regulatory definition of spouse under the FMLA
Last year, in United States v. Windsor, the Supreme Court struck…
Pre-tax individual healthcare premiums
Question: Can an employer reimburse its employees for premiums…
Instructions for filing the PCOR fees by July 31, 2014
IRS has issued a revised Form 720 and instructions for filing…
IRS Releases Q&As on Reimbursing Individual Health Premiums
On May 13, 2014, the IRS issued Q&A guidance restating the…
Health Reform Questions: Enrolling in the Marketplace this Fall
Question: I enrolled in my employer's group medical coverage…
The Cost of Misclassification of Independent Contractors
The misclassification of an employee as an independent contractor…
The Playing Field Tilts in Workers' Comp Cases
Worker safety is an issue in virtually every industry or profession.…
Special 60-Day Enrollment Period in the Marketplace for COBRA Participants
Important Notice Regarding COBRA Continuation Coverage and Health…
If someone voluntarily disenrolls in COBRA during open enrollment, are they eligible for subsidies in the Individual Marketplace?
During Marketplace open enrollment, a person can voluntarily…
What is the out-of pocket limits for 2015?
For 2015, please be aware that there will two different out-of-pocket…
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