HR News
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HR News & Articles
Enhance Your Employee Benefits Package By Adding a Consumer Driven Account (CDA) by BASIC
DATE: Wed, Nov 02, 2022
TIME: 2:00pm EDT to 2:45 pm EDT
Proposed Federal Paid Leave – American Families Plan
President Biden's American Family Plan would offer 12 weeks of…

What's the Outlook for the Expired Tax Breaks?
Year end tax planning for 2014 is particularly challenging because…

Healthcare Reform Questions: 50-99 employee transitional relief
Question: One of my clients has 75 employees and has never…

FAQs regarding implementation of the Affordable Care Act
Set out below are additional Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)…

“Election Lock” Solved For Participants Who Wish To Enroll In Marketplace Coverage
Under Change of Status rules in effect prior…

40 tax provisions for 2015
The Internal Revenue Service announced in Revenue Procedure…

Forget About Use-it-or-Lose-it: The New $500 Carryover Rule has FSA Accounts on the Rise!
The U.S. Treasury Department issued a new ruling last fall that…

IRS Announces Retirement Plan Limitations for 2015
The Internal Revenue Service and Social Security Administration…

IRS Releases Notice 2014-55 Providing for Additional Election Changes
Provided by Larry Grudzien
On September 18, 2014, the…

Toeing the Fine Line Between Employees and Independent Contractors
Businesses often prefer to treat workers as independent contractors…

Supporting Your Employee HSAs Across Multiple Banks
With the growth of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) it is quite…

Court: Missing COBRA Notice Led to Hefty Legal Penalties
Just how important are COBRA notices when an employee leaves…

DOs and DON'Ts for Deducting Meals, Entertainment and Travel
If you're claiming a deduction for meals, entertainment,…

Another Employer Headache: The Complexity of ERISA Compliance
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) added to the already overwhelming…

Review of Reporting Requirements under Code Sections 6055 & 6056
In late August 2014, the IRS released instructions for completing…

Are employee assistance programs subject to COBRA?
Provided by Larry Grudzien
Are employee assistance programs…

Supreme Court Weighs in on ESOPs
Employee stock option plans (ESOPs) were conceived to be a "win-win"…

FMLA Enforcement Initiative: Are you ready?
The Department of Labor is extremely busy in launching on-site…

IRS Issues Final Regulations on Small Business Health Credit
Although many payroll and other employment provisions of the…

Plan Sponsors Should Aviod Using Their Payroll Provider as Their 401(k) TPA
I stick to what I know, so I venture very little outside the…

IRS Increases ACA's Affordability Percentages for 2015
On July 24, 2014, the IRS released Revenue Procedure 2014-37…
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