HR News
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HR News & Articles
Enhance Your Employee Benefits Package By Adding a Consumer Driven Account (CDA) by BASIC
DATE: Wed, Nov 02, 2022
TIME: 2:00pm EDT to 2:45 pm EDT
Proposed Federal Paid Leave – American Families Plan
President Biden's American Family Plan would offer 12 weeks of…

The Proper Mailing Method of FMLA Certifications
Standard U.S. mail is still looked upon as a reliable service.…

Paying Yourself Too Much? Too Little? Be Ready for an IRS Challenge
It is generally more tax-efficient to be paid a salary than to…

EEOC Issues Fact Sheet for Small Business to Explain Wellness Regulations
Fact Sheet for Small Business:
On April 20, 2015, the U.S.…

Checklists for Completing Reporting under Code Section 6056 Available
Provided by Larry Grudzien, Attorney-At-Law
I have created…

Compliance Questions - Temporary Employees & FMLA
Q. My client regularly utilize temporary employees, some of…

Reimbursements for Health Plan Premiums and the ACA: Are You In Violation?
Over the years, some employers have opted to provide their employees…

Don't Be Snowed Under by Payroll Rules
Snowfalls in the Northeast have shattered long-time records this…

IRS Notice 2015-17
An employer-sponsored HRA will not be able to avoid the annual…

Take the Human Error Out of Payroll & Stay Compliant with ACA Requirements
A critical aspect of the Affordable Care Act is the new employer…

NLRB's New Quickie Election Rules May Tilt Scales Towards Unions
The "quickie election" rules were originally proposed two years…

Applying the Affordablity Safe Harbors
Question: In applying one of the affordability safe harbors for…

Mass Transit Limits Increased
On December 19, 2014. President Obama signed the Tax Increase…

Paying Employees to Buy Health Coverage? Know the Ground Rules
Does your company's health insurance plan include health reimbursement…

IRS Standard Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increases
The Internal Revenue Service has issued its 2015 optional standard…

Upcoming Healthcare Reform Requirements
Be aware of upcoming Healthcare Reform requirements that impact…

Compliance Questions - Cash Out Option
Provided by Larry Grudzien
Q. Each year, my client gives its…

Failure to Recognize FMLA: A Common Employer Mistake
A common misconception among HR managers of small-to-midsize…

Court Approves Non-Traditional Work Week for Overtime Pay
Federal overtime pay standards under the Fair Labor Standards…

Can Physician “Concierge Fees” be Reimbursed From a Health FSA or HSA?
As “concierge medicine” gains popularity, we are getting…

Clarified Again, Individual Premium Reimbursement is Not Allowed
The new ACA FAQ XXII Compliance of Premium Reimbursement Arrangements(FAQ…
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