HR News
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HR News & Articles
Enhance Your Employee Benefits Package By Adding a Consumer Driven Account (CDA) by BASIC
DATE: Wed, Nov 02, 2022
TIME: 2:00pm EDT to 2:45 pm EDT
Proposed Federal Paid Leave – American Families Plan
President Biden's American Family Plan would offer 12 weeks of…

BASIC Awarded Innovator Award
Award-winning Evolution1 – a WEX Company – a leading provider…

Watch out employers! The DOL is cracking down on FMLA violations
Watch out employers! The Department of Labor is cracking down…

COBRA Still Flourishes as a Choice for Continuation Health Insurance
Some people seem to believe that the Affordable Care Act (ACA)…

2015 FMLA Court Cases
The American Bar Association releases its midwinter report of…

Geico Acted in Good Faith but Still Must Pay Overtime
In an amusing series of advertisements for insurer Geico, the…

What Health Coverage Forms Must Large Employers Complete and When?
Question: Our business has determined that we're an applicable…

Employment Workplace Lawsuits: 2 Growing Concerns for HR
2015 was a record year for workplace litigation. Increased…

The New PATH Act Contains Four Payroll Tax Changes
The tax law passed by Congress and signed by President Obama…

BASIC announces the launch of My HR Storage
BASIC announces the launch of My HR Storage, a full HRIS cloud…

Perceived Retaliation Can Put Your Company in Hot Water
If an employee lodges what you consider an unwarranted complaint…

The Benefits of Outsourcing Health Care Administration
When it comes to health care administration, employers require…

Form 5500 Filing Requirement for Employee Health and Welfare Benefit Plans
Plans with more than 100 participants on the first day of…

2015 Year-End Tax Planning Tips for Small Businesses
Virtually all small business owners are frustrated with our current…

Paid Sick Leave Policies Becoming Mandatory for Some
With cold and flu season kicking in, it's likely that many of…

ACA Reporting Part II – Do I need to report HRA benefits?
Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs) are generally considered…

ACA 6055 & 6056 Reporting for COBRA & HRA Participants
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) imposes demanding information reporting…

Another day... Another Compliance Requirement
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) added to the already overwhelming…

ACA Reporting – Do you need to include individuals on your plan who are covered under COBRA?
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires employers to consider…

Take the Pain Out of Restaurant Payroll
Restaurant payroll and tip reporting are complex. There are numerous…

Seasonal Workers and the ACA Shared Responsibility Penalty
If your organization employs seasonal workers or part-timers…
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