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BASIC Payroll Plus Tax Payments

How do you know that BASIC Payroll Plus is making your tax payments?  By checking online and viewing the payments that we have made for your Federal and State Withholding.

EFTPS- Electronic Federal Tax Payment System

BASIC Payroll Plus uses EFTPS to remit your Federal Tax Payments electronically.  To view payments made on your behalf you will need to register with EFTPS to receive your Personal Identification Number (PIN).  Complete the online New Taxpayer Enrollment Form at https://www.eftps.com/eftps/ and within 15 days, you’ll receive your PIN in the mail at your IRS address of record.  You will also need to create an Internet Password.  Instructions for the Internet Password will be delivered in the mail with your PIN.

Once you have registered with EFTPS, you will then have access to view your federal payments being made by BASIC Payrolls Plus.  Please be aware that it can take a couple of days after the payment date for the payment to post to your account.

Michigan State Taxes

The State of Michigan allows businesses to verify their tax payments by going to the website www.michigan.gov/taxes.  To do so, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Under  Business, you need to click on Check My Business Tax Info.
  2. Choose Sales, Use & Withholding Tax (SUW).
  3. Choose Access My Account Information.  For this step you will need the following information.
    1. Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), Treasury Registered (TR) or Michigan Established (ME).
    2. Tax Period Ending (month and year)
    3. Tax Amount of Withholding for that Period.

When successful, you will then be able to access your account information.

State payments other than MI

If you have withholding taxes in state other than Michigan, you can verify your taxes by contacting the appropriate state departments.  On the American Payroll Association’s website www.americanpayroll.org/weblink/statelocal you can find contact information for state Department of Taxations.

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