Welcome to BASIC

Debit Card Adjudication

IIAS allows detailed debit card transaction data to be submitted directly to BASIC for many debit card transactions. When this data is provided, BASIC uses it to adjudicate/approve debit card transactions so that participants do not need to send in documents to verify transactions. Therefore, we advise debit card participants to only send verification documents for their debit card purchases when BASIC requests them to be submitted. Participants should keep all receipts for transactions made with their BASIC Debit Card just in case BASIC needs to review them. Participants should keep all receipts for transactions made with their BASIC Debit Card just in case BASIC needs to review them.

Health Care Provider Offices:
The BASIC Debit Card is accepted at health care provider offices. We advise debit card participants to only send verification documents for debit card purchases when BASIC requests them to be submitted. Participants will NOT need to send verification documents for transactions at health care providers when:

1) The total exactly matches one or multiples of the single co-pays, as indicated by the employer’s insurance plan (and provided to BASIC), and

2) The insurance co-pay amounts have been entered into our administration system.

If the total sale amount does not exactly match one or multiples of the single co-pays, then documentation will be required. If BASIC needs to review the debit card transaction, the participant will receive a request for the documentation via mail or email (if available).

Pharmacies and Retailers:
IRS regulations (implemented through IIAS) prevent participants from using their BASIC Debit Card at retailers that are not IIAS compliant, including pharmacies, or to purchase ineligible items. Therefore, the debit card may not be accepted at pharmacies that are not IIAS compliant, even though the debit card had been accepted in the past.

Reasons why the BASIC Debit Card may not be accepted and related tips:

The pharmacy or retailer may not be IIAS compliant. Participant can pay using another form of payment and submit a claim for reimbursement. Next time, the Participant can choose an IIAS certified merchant.

In some cases, not all cash registers at a retailer or pharmacy are IIAS compliant. We suggest Participants pay for eligible items at the cash register at or nearest the pharmacy. This may be especially true at large department stores. Only eligible expenses can be purchased with the BASIC Debit Card.

We recommend participants keep all receipts when they have used their BASIC Debit Card just in case BASIC needs to review them. However, they only need to send in debit card documentation when BASIC requests them to be submitted for verification.

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