
What It Means If Your Health FSA Is Not An “Excepted Benefit”

An “excepted benefit”  is a label and classification that…

Department of Labor Attempts to Make FMLA More Accessible

According to the Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division…

The Supreme Court Adds Clarity to a Much Disputed Overtime Pay Issue

In a closely watched case, Christopher v. SmithKline Beecham…

Healthcare Tax Changes that Remain in Place

On June 28, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of…

Job Descriptions: A Smart Move -- But Only If Done Correctly

The benefits of having a good system of employee job descriptions…

Six Issues for Businesses to Consider When Managing Remote Employees

Allowing employees to work from home can provide significant…

New Version of BASIC Guru

For Immediate Release New Version of BASIC Guru Enables Agents,…

Are You Prepared for a COBRA Audit?

After nearly a decade, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has…

Business Values and the 'Baby Boomer Effect'

It has been estimated that in the next five years or so, more…

Five Common and Avoidable FMLA Mistakes

Below are five mistakes that Chris Stoddard, BASIC's FMLA Specialist,…