
Update on the IRA 'One Rollover a Year' Rule

The U.S. Tax Courtmade a controversial ruling in January that…

Don't Become the Latest DOL Press Release: On-Site FMLA Investigations

The new Department of Labor FMLA Branch Chief is calling 2014…

BASIC's Absence Management: Simplify & Improve Employer Administration

Managing multiple employee leaves can present a huge drain on…

Is Severe Obesity Protected by the ADA? Some Courts Say 'Yes'

Last month, a U.S. District Court rejected an employer's petition…

Amending the regulatory definition of spouse under the FMLA

Last year, in United States v. Windsor, the Supreme Court struck…

Pre-tax individual healthcare premiums

Question:  Can an employer reimburse its employees for premiums…

Instructions for filing the PCOR fees by July 31, 2014

IRS has issued a revised Form 720 and instructions for filing…

IRS Releases Q&As on Reimbursing Individual Health Premiums

On May 13, 2014,  the IRS issued Q&A guidance restating the…

Health Reform Questions: Enrolling in the Marketplace this Fall

Question:  I enrolled in my employer's group medical coverage…

The Cost of Misclassification of Independent Contractors

The misclassification of an employee as an independent contractor…