
FMLA Enforcement Initiative: Are you ready?

The Department of Labor is extremely busy in launching on-site…

IRS Issues Final Regulations on Small Business Health Credit

Although many payroll and other employment provisions of the…

Plan Sponsors Should Aviod Using Their Payroll Provider as Their 401(k) TPA

I stick to what I know, so I venture very little outside the…

IRS Increases ACA's Affordability Percentages for 2015

On July 24, 2014, the IRS released Revenue Procedure 2014-37…

Hobby Lobby Case Puts the Supreme Court Focus on Religious Bias

As a reminder, in the case involving the Hobby Lobby retail…

Curbing Employee Absence Abuse with BASIC

An employee's ability to sporadically take small increments of…

Supreme Court: Inherited IRAs Don't Qualify for Bankruptcy Exemption

The U.S. Supreme Court has held -- in a unanimous decision --…

IRS Clarifies Its Position on Contributing to Employee Health Coverage

Last year, the IRS spelled out how it would treat employer contributions…

FAQ regarding implementation of the Affordable Care Act

Set out below is an additional Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)…

FAQs Released About FMLA Leave and Same-Sex Spouses

1. Q. What regulatory change is the Department proposing? A.…