DOL Announces Increased Civil Penalties for Violations of Federal Laws
The Department of Labor (DOL) has issued interim final rules…
Employer Proved COBRA Notice WAS Mailed to Employee
In a recent case, a federal district court ruled that an employer…
Where FMLA and Overtime Intersect: Lucas Hernandez vs. Bridgestone
As a valued client, we like to keep you in the loop with pertinent…
BASIC Expands Their Technology Division with Latest Acquisition
Portage, MI. (July 13, 2016) - BASIC (Benefit Administrative…
Why YOU Should be Concerned with Absenteeism
Absenteeism is one of the most common problems employers battle…
Why NAHU is Fighting to Save the Employer Exclusion
Under construction in the US Congress, spearheaded by Speaker…
Meet Your Employee Review Goals with 360 Degree Feedback
The 360-degree feedback mechanism (also called "multi-rater")…
New Overtime Rules Issued: What it Means for You
A change in the rules governing overtime has been…
DOL Issues New Employer's Guide To FMLA & New General Notice
On 04/28/2016, Helen Applewhaite, the FMLA Branch Chief of the…
The Current State of Minimum Wage Laws, Plus the Overtime Debate
The $7.25 per hour federal minimum wage has been in place since…