
HR Assist

FMLA Outsourcing is on the Rise

The leave management landscape for 2018 is shifting, is your…

Updated Department of Labor Rules: Disability Claims Procedures

On January 1st, 2018, the Department of Labor updated their rules…

COBRA: Now is a Good Time to Look Back

COBRA generally applies to all private-sector group health plans…

The Complete Compliance Package Every Employer Needs

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) added to the already overwhelming…

IRS Issues Updated Withholding Calculator and Form W-4

Feb. 28,2018- The IRS has provided an updated calculator to help…

HSA Family Contribution decreased for 2018

Today, IRS released Revenue Procedure 2018-10  which modifies…

DOL Updates Employer CHIP Notice

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has updated its model notice…

Talent Strategy: Hiring Right the First Time with Behavioral Questions

You're in the market for a new superstar for your business but…

How Do 125 Plans and HSAs Work Together?

A cafeteria plan is a reimbursement plan governed by IRS Section…