
HSA Changes Are on the Horizon

On Wednesday, July 25th, the House of Representatives passed…
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Taking Charge of HR Issues at Doctors' Offices

Everyone knows there is a big nursing shortfall, but, due to…

The 2018 1040 Form Shortened

The 2018 draft version of IRS form 1040 (U.S. Individual Income…

6 Inspiring TED Talks to Watch Today

Are you looking for some inspiration today? TedTalks are a great…

Importance of COBRA Outsourcing

Nowadays, you can have many of your HR functions outsourced to…

4 Resume-Reviewing Mistakes You're Probably Making

A quick Google search for "resume mistakes" will land you in…

Best Practices: FMLA Call-In Procedures

Nowadays, it’s common for businesses to have an employee absence…

BASIC is Excited to Announce Our New Website Coming Soon!

On Monday, July 2nd BASIC will be unveiling a brand new website!…
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