Payroll & Leave Management

HR Assist

FMLA Outsourcing is on the Rise

The leave management landscape for 2018 is shifting, is your…

IRS Issues Updated Withholding Calculator and Form W-4

Feb. 28,2018- The IRS has provided an updated calculator to help…

BASIC HCM: All in One Solution

In a world where files can be automatically backed up to “the…

New Feature Release: Leave Management Employee Portal

BASIC Announces New Feature Release: Leave Management Employee…

Standard Mileage Rates for 2018 Are Up

The IRS has issued the 2018 optional standard mileage rates used…

The Right Way To Adjust Salary Scales: Cost of Labor vs. Cost of Living

  When you decide how much to budget for pay increases…

Social Security Administration Corrects Its Taxable Amount

In October, the Social Security Administration made its usual…

Terminations without Consideration: The Fifth of Five Common FMLA Mistakes

Terminating FMLA eligible employees can have destructive consequences…

BASIC's Human Capital Management Solution: HCM 2.0

BASIC is proud to present the newest version of our human capital…

How HR Can Use Technology to Stay in Touch

Although we live in a connected age when everyone can reach each…