Can Physician “Concierge Fees” be Reimbursed From a Health FSA or HSA?
As “concierge medicine” gains popularity, we are getting…

“Election Lock” Solved For Participants Who Wish To Enroll In Marketplace Coverage
Under Change of Status rules in effect prior…

IRS Guidance on How Health FSA Carryover Affects Eligibility for HSA Contributions
The IRS released a memorandum on March 28, 2014 that confirms…

COBRA for HRAs – A Plan for Determining COBRA Premiums
Under COBRA law, when a covered individual loses coverage…

The Latest Guidance on HRAs & FSAs Under Health Care Reform
On September 13, 2013, The Department of Treasury (IRS) and Department…

When Does an Employer Have to Provide a HIPAA Privacy Notice?
Sometimes our clients ask if NEO sends a HIPAA Privacy Notice…

Treasury Will Recognize Same-Sex Marriage Across State Lines
In June, the Supreme Court’s Windsor decision…

“How-To” File your PCORI Fee Report
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Fees Apply…

What It Means If Your Health FSA Is Not An “Excepted Benefit”
An “excepted benefit” is a label and classification that…