HR Benefits

HRA Plan News - Federal Regulations Provide Two New HRAs

Many employers offer an HRA plan, but new varieties are on the…

All About Fringe Benefits and Taxes

The IRS defines fringe benefits as "a form of pay (including…

BASIC Flex: Not Your Average FSA Plan

Employers know an attractive benefits package is important to…

Final Ruling Expands HRAs to Pay for Individual Coverage (ICHRA)

On June 13, the U.S. Treasury Department, the Department of Labor,…
FSA HRA and HSA Administration

HR CE Compliant Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) Webinar

Register for the webinar here After registering, you will receive…

IRS Releases HSA Contribution & Coverage Limits for 2020

IRS has just issued Revenue Procedure 2019-25, which provides…