Webinar: Peace of Mind COBRA Compliance
DATE: Wed, Aug 05, 2020
TIME: 2:00 pm EDT to 2:30 pm EDT

PCORI Fees Guide for Employers With Self-Funded HRA Plans
BASIC is offering this alert about upcoming fees…

2021 HSA Limits: Cost-of-Living Adjustments Released by IRS
2021 HSA Limits
The IRS has issued Revenue Procedure 2020-32…

COBRA Regulations Change Due to COVID-19
Some COBRA regulations have changed as part of the government's…

Cafeteria Plan and FSA Relief: IRS Update
The IRS released Notice 2020-29 and Notice 2020-33 on May 12,…

CARES Act FAQ: Over-The-Counter Drugs & Medicines
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES…

Webinar: Understanding COBRA Regulations 4/28/20
1.0 HRCI & SHRM: Understanding COBRA Regulations - Including…

CARES Act Benefit Updates: Over-the-Counter-Drug Eligibility
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES…

COBRA Insurance Coverage During the Health Crisis
COBRA Insurance (COBRA Continuation Coverage)
As the coronavirus…

New Jersey Transit Benefits Mandate: What Employers Should Know
In 2019, New Jersey became the first state to pass legislation…