HR Benefits

AWS Outages Impacting BASIC CDA Services

A technical problem with Amazon Web Services (AWS) has made…
education reimbursement

Education Reimbursement Benefits: The Time Is Now

Education reimbursement is often considered a luxury when it…
2021 contribution limits

2021 Employee Contribution and Benefit Limits

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently announced the cost-of-living…
employee benefits

Employee Benefit Accounts Just Got Smarter With BASIC's New Consumer Driven Accounts System

As an industry leader in employee benefit accounts administration,…
hr webinar

Webinar: COVID-19 Related Relief for Cafeteria Plans and COBRA

DATE: Thu, Nov 19, 2020 TIME: 2:00 pm EST to 3:30 pm EST Register…

Webinar: Introducing BASIC's New Consumer Driven Accounts (CDA) System

Register for the webinar here After registering, you will receive…

Webinar: Compliant Medical and Dependent Care Flexible Spending Plans

Register for the webinar here After registering, you will receive…
paperless pay

Paperless Pay With ACH: The Perfect Time to Switch?

Employers are involved in countless transactions each month,…

Unifying and Growing the BASIC Brand

As the world continues to wrestle with the COVID-19 pandemic,…