Webinar: Employer ACA Filing Compliance Obligations
DATE: Wed, Nov 13, 2019
TIME: 2:00 pm EST to 3:30 pm EST

BASIC Offers Important ACA Compliance Reminders for 2019
It is well-known that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) imposes strict…

IRS Lowers Affordability Rate to 9.78 Percent for 2020
The IRS has announced Revenue Procedure 2019-29, which lowers…

CMS Extends 'Grandmothered' Health Plans
On March 25, 2019, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services…

ACA & the IRS – Pay or Play Penalties are here and most likely to stay.
The IRS is issuing ACA proposed Penalty Notices to employers.…

The IRS has just extended the ACA Form 1095 Deadline
Deadline for Furnishing Employee Statements Extended from

ACA Reporting in 2018
In todays Failure to comply with ACA reporting requirements can…

IRS Releases Affordability Rate for 2019
IRS issued Revenue Procedure 2018-34, which increases the affordability…

The Complete Compliance Package Every Employer Needs
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) added to the already overwhelming…

Deadline for Furnishing Statements Extended from January 31 to March 2
IRS Notice 2018-06: Deadline for Furnishing Statements Extended…