Entries by sparkadmin

Workplace Water Cooler Rumors

April 2012 Many employers using technology understand the dynamic implications of workplace rumors. Rumors can create an environment of mistrust, hostility, low motivation, and low productivity. Managers who are trained to recognize the root causes of rumors and how to prevent them, or at least be able to manage rumors, can more effectively set the […]

The Necessities of a Safety Manual

April 2012 Employers are responsible for providing a safe workplace environment for their employees free from harm, health hazards, harassment, etc. Enforcement of workplace safety compliance is an issue that has gained increased attention from federal and state governing agencies. According to the federal Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA), an effective safety and health program […]

11th Hour Decisions: Ill Advised When It Involves FMLA

 April 2012 Navigating FMLA requirements, meeting timelines, certification requirements and treatment of employees while off on continuous or intermittent leave can be challenging even for an experienced FML administrator.  Most employers lack full understanding of the FMLA and the implications or “risks” in failing to meet FML regulatory requirements.  Believing that they are “in the right”, employers […]

Health Reform Questions: Essential Health Benefits

April 2012 From the Desk of Larry Grudzien Attorney-At-Law What Are “Essential Health Benefits”?   Under Section 1302(b) of the Affordable Care Act, “essential health benefits” include minimum benefits in ten general categories and the items and services within those categories:   * Ambulatory patient services   * Emergency services   * Hospitalization   * […]

Employee Morale Shapes Business Success

March 2012 The start of a new year represents an excellent time to contemplate employee morale within the organization. One success formula for an employer is to place and retain the right employees in the right jobs. Although monetary incentives are one way to help employees cope with economic downturns and challenges, the quality of […]

Tracking the Hours Worked for Your Exempt Employees

March 2012 By HRSupportCenter The exempt verses non-exempt employee classification issue continues as a common area of confusion among employers. Often, many employers who are unfamiliar with the nuances of the issue also face practical challenges, including when and how to track hours for exempt employees. To be classified as exempt, the employee’s job generally […]

HHS Releases FAQ on Essential Health Benefits

March 2012 On February 17, 2012 the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) to provide additional information on HHS’s intended approach to defining essential health benefits (EHB). The EHB definition will ensure that health insurance plans in the individual and small group markets, both inside and […]

The Aging Workforce: Dos and DON’Ts to Avoid Discrimination

The changing demographics in the United Statesand the desire of baby boomers to work longer than earlier generations has led to a larger percentage of older employees in the workforce. This growing population of older employees has led to more claims of age discrimination being filed against employers. Consider that in fiscal year 2011, the […]

Payroll Tax Holiday Continues

March 2012 Overcoming some bipartisan bickering, Congress finally agreed to extend the federal “payroll tax holiday” through the remainder of 2012. The Middle Class Tax Relief and Jobs Creation Act of 2012 was signed into law by President Obama on February 22, 2012. Thanks to the new law, employees can continue to bask in the […]