Entries by sparkadmin

DOL Clarifies Scope of Same-Sex Spouse FMLA Rights

Provided  by Larry Grudzien The Department of Labor (DOL) recently revised guidance on its website to confirm that same-sex spouses may be eligible for FMLA leave to care for a seriously ill spouse or for activities related to a spouse’s military deployment. The guidance does not modify the rule set out in current FMLA regulations […]

New COBRA Qualifying Event Notice

In order to meet the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) new COBRA Qualifying Event Notice, BASIC will be updating our COBRA system in September 2013. The new notice has an additional paragraph to inform qualified beneficiaries of the health insurance marketplace. The state-based health insurance marketplaces (or “Exchanges”) under the ACA will begin open enrollment in […]

HR Professionals at the Forefront of Sustainability

An increasing focus on sustainability and corporate social responsibility is positioning HR professionals in a unique role. Along with C-suite executives, the HR function will be a critical component to implementing sustainability strategies that benefit employees, stakeholders, and ultimately entire communities. A sustainable organization focuses on the “triple bottom line” – a simultaneous contribution to […]

Dental Professionals Dissapointed with Affordable Care Act

There may be nothing to smile about when it comes to dental coverage and the Affordable Care Act. In fact, some argue dental coverage was all but ignored in the sweeping health-care overhaul. The law does incorporate provisions for children’s dental services as an essential health benefit, but it includes no additional coverage for adults, […]

Paid Sick Time Coming to the Big Apple

Overriding Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s veto, the New York City Council has voted to require private sector employers (outside of the manufacturing industry) to provide paid sick time for employees. New York City measures their economy based on a financial index maintained by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. If it is at or above […]

BASIC’s July Promo – FMLA Ease

BASIC’s July Promo – FMLA Ease Free COBRA Administration for one year with FMLA Administration! Two highly regulated compliance issues covered by our industry certified experts. Shifting your COBRA and FMLA responsibilities to BASIC goes beyond consistency, compliance, and non-bias administration. It allows your organizations HR Professionals to apply their expertise to health care reform, […]

Is It Time to Update Your BAA?

Article provided by Janet Palcko of NEO Administration Company. BASIC is a majority partner of NEO Administration Company and together deliver integrated HR solutions to clients nationwide. Earlier this year, the Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) formally published its Omnibus Final Rule (“Final Rule”), which includes modifications to the HIPAA Privacy and Security […]

Employer Mandate Delayed Until 2015

The Obama administration delayed the employer mandate of the healthcare reform law, saying today it will not require employers to provide health insurance for their employees until 2015. The delay may stem from widespread complaints from businesses about reporting requirements for employers with 50 or more full-time workers. It is important to note, however, that […]

HHS Launches Consumer-Focused HealthCare.gov

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently launched a new, consumer-focused HealthCare.gov website. With the clock ticking towards open enrollment in the new Health Insurance Marketplace, the site provides educational tools designed to help Americans understand their choices and select the coverage that best suits their needs. Between now and the start of […]