Entries by sparkadmin

Special 60-Day Enrollment Period in the Marketplace for COBRA Participants

Important Notice Regarding COBRA Continuation Coverage and Health Insurance Marketplace On May 1, 2014 The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced a special 60-Day Marketplace enrollment period for individuals eligible and/or enrolled in COBRA as of May 2, 2014.  These individuals have until July 1, 2014 to select Qualified Health Plans (QHPs) in […]

If someone voluntarily disenrolls in COBRA during open enrollment, are they eligible for subsidies in the Individual Marketplace?

During Marketplace open enrollment, a person can voluntarily drop their COBRA coverage and get a Marketplace plan instead, even if their COBRA hasn’t expired. They also may be determined eligible for credits and subsidies in this case. Outside of Marketplace open enrollment, if a person’s COBRA expires, they would qualify for a special enrollment period […]

What is the out-of pocket limits for 2015?

For 2015, please be aware that there will two different out-of-pocket limits. Overall Out-of-Pocket Limits: There is an overall cost-sharing limitation to all non-grandfathered group health plans, as provided in HHS Reg. § 156.130(a); PPACA; Standards Related to Essential Health Benefits, Actuarial Value, and Accreditation, 45 CFR Parts 147, 155, and 156, 78 Fed. Reg. 12834, 12837 […]

The Heartbleed Bug: Is your information protected?

One of the largest internet security threats in history is breaching and compromising many of the websites you use every day. The Heartbleed Bug affects websites using an OpenSSL format, allowing the potential for anyone to access and read any encrypted data sent between your computer and a server. This encryption flaw allows for disclosure […]

Employers: Are You Ready for Expansion of Overtime Requirements?

On March 13, President Obama directed the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) to come up with a way to update overtime pay rules to reflect the “changing nature of the American workplace” and to make them more “in keeping with the intention of the Fair Labor Standards Act.“ The move has the potential to affect […]

Maintain Compliance and Save Time with BASIC COBRA

Let our COBRA experts help you avoid costly compliance pitfalls. Can you afford to leave your business vulnerable to penalties up to $100 per day per qualified beneficiary? Why should your company choose BASIC COBRA? With a proven administration model and industry certified experts to ensure your company’s ongoing compliance, we handle all the regulation […]

How are Seasonal Employees Defined?

Q. My client employs employees for eight to nine months each year.  When they are employed, these employees work over thirty hours per week.  When does my client have to offer these employees offer coverage if it is subject to the employer mandate? A. Under Treasury Regulations Section 54.4980H-1(a)(38, the term “seasonal employee” means an […]

Unique Wellness Programs

Large companies have widely believed that technology is an important component of employee wellness. From biometric screening to incentive design employers have purchased cutting-edge technology to help improve wellness. Today, however, many employers are getting back to basics and focusing on improving the workplace environment, ultimately advancing the company’s culture of health to change unhealthy […]

New Rules Ease Limits on Dental, Vision Plans

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) specifically sets aside certain benefits as “excepted” from the law’s key requirements. These excepted benefits include the ban on annual benefit limits and waiting periods exceeding 90 days, rules governing distribution of Summary of Benefit and Coverage statements and cost-sharing limits. Now, new rules clarify and refine the definition of […]

Smart Hiring: Time for a Refresher Course?

Have you ever hired the wrong person? Maybe the bad decision didn’t rise to the level of hiring an embezzler or someone with a violent temper. But regret comes in many forms. You may have hired someone who shows up late most days, or calls in sick every other Friday, or does more personal texting […]