Entries by sparkadmin

IRS issues draft ACA forms for reporting for 2015

2015 Draft IRS Form 1095-A: Health Insurance Marketplace Statement (PDF) Internal Revenue Service [IRS] 6/17/2015 [Official Guidance] Draft version, dated June 16, 2015. 2015 Draft IRS Form 1095-B: Health Coverage (PDF) Internal Revenue Service [IRS] 6/17/2015 [Official Guidance] Draft version, dated June 16, 2015. 2015 Draft IRS Form 1095-C: Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage (PDF) Internal […]

Health Savings Account Limits for 2016

With Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), individuals and businesses buy less expensive health insurance policies with high deductibles. Contributions to the accounts are made on a pre-tax basis. The money can accumulate year after year tax free, and be withdrawn tax free to pay for a variety of medical expenses such as doctor visits, prescriptions, chiropractic […]

How Long Do You Have to Retain Payroll Records?

Just in time for spring cleaning, the Social Security Administration and the IRS have issued a joint publication — the Spring 2015 issue of SSA/IRS Reporter — which offers valuable pointers for employers who want to clean up their old payroll files. In most (but not all) cases, that means following a four-year retention rule. […]

Health Reform Questions: Applying Employment Breaks for Schools

Provided by Larry Grudzien Question: A local school district hires Mary, a long-time substitute, to  be a substitute for Jane during Jane’s six week maternity leave and, during that period, credits Mary with 280 hours of service.  Jane then returns and Mary is off work for ten weeks.  At the end of those ten weeks, the district […]

The Proper Mailing Method of FMLA Certifications

Standard U.S. mail is still looked upon as a reliable service. Nevertheless, employers without dependable third-party administration find it challenging to identify a mailing process that fully complies with DOL (The Department of Labor) regulations. This is fortunately not the case for BASIC’s employers. BASIC’s standardized mailing process, “Certificate of Mailing,” provides evidence that the […]

Checklists for Completing Reporting under Code Section 6056 Available

Provided by Larry Grudzien, Attorney-At-Law I have created two checklists to assist in completing Forms 1094-C and 1095-C.  One checklist is for fully insured medical plans and the other is for self-insured medical plans.  These checklists provide guidance on both what information has to be collected and how such information is applied in completing the forms.  […]

Compliance Questions – Temporary Employees & FMLA

Q.  My client regularly utilize temporary employees, some of whom we hire permanently. Does the time they work as a temp (through an agency) count toward the 12-month and 1,250 hour eligibility requirements? A: An employee is eligible to take FMLA leave when, among other things, he/she has worked for the employer for 12 months (which, […]