Entries by sparkadmin

Perceived Retaliation Can Put Your Company in Hot Water

If an employee lodges what you consider an unwarranted complaint about a supervisor at your company — possibly about you yourself — it’s natural to feel some resentment. But matters can quickly go from bad to worse if, after filing the grievance, that employee believes he or she is being retaliated against. Employees who seem […]

The Benefits of Outsourcing Health Care Administration

When it comes to health care administration, employers require expert administrative analysis to navigate the ever-changing health care environment. There are numerous health plan types and associated abbreviations that create complex burdens on employers, especially as new compliance regulations and health plan changes are introduced every year. The benefits of outsourcing health care benefits such […]

2015 Year-End Tax Planning Tips for Small Businesses

Virtually all small business owners are frustrated with our current tax system. In fact, five out of today’s Top 10 small business concerns relate to state and federal tax issues, according to the Small Business Problems and Priorities survey released by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), a small business advocacy group. Small businesses […]

Paid Sick Leave Policies Becoming Mandatory for Some

With cold and flu season kicking in, it’s likely that many of your employees will be hit with one of these illnesses — though they might not call in sick. While many employers offer some form of paid sick leave, an estimated 43 million American workers lack any time off with pay during illness, according […]

ACA 6055 & 6056 Reporting for COBRA & HRA Participants

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) imposes demanding information reporting responsibilities on employers starting with the 2015 calendar year. The reporting stipulation states that an information return must be prepared for each applicable employee, and these returns must be filed with the IRS using a single transmittal form (Form 1094-B & 1095-B or Form 1094-C & […]

Another day… Another Compliance Requirement

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) added to the already overwhelming amount of mandatory notices required for employers to remain compliant. Employers are required to provide employees with a variety of notices advising them of their rights and responsibilities in regard to FMLA, HIPAA and the ACA. The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) is no […]

Take the Pain Out of Restaurant Payroll

Restaurant payroll and tip reporting are complex. There are numerous requirements that employers face, such as reporting tip income and collecting tax on tips. Restaurateurs also must ensure that the total tip income reported to them by tipped employees during any pay period is, at a minimum, equal to 8% of their total receipts for […]

Seasonal Workers and the ACA Shared Responsibility Penalty

If your organization employs seasonal workers or part-timers for the holidays, take note: The IRS has issued a Health Care Tax Tip on how these individuals affect whether your business is subject to the shared responsibility provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Background The ACA requires applicable large employers (ALEs) to report the health […]

IRS has issued final 2015 forms for 1094-B, 1095-B, 1094-C and 1095-C

IRS has issued final 2015 forms for 1094-B, 1095-B, 1094-C and 1095-C.   A link to the forms is provided below:   Form 1094-B,Transmittal of Health Coverage Information Return:   http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1094b.pdf   Form 1094-C, Transmittal of Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage Information Return: http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1094c.pdf   Form 1095-B, Health Coverage: http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1095b.pdf   Form 1095-C, Employer Provided […]