Entries by Simon Carlson

Webinar: ACA Filing 101

When: Wednesday, January 8, 2020 Time: 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm EST Register for the webinar here After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Request a recording here if you are unable to attend the live session. Affordable Care Act (ACA) expert Joe Aitchison will cover ACA filing requirements […]

Webinar – BASIC ACA Elevate: 2019 Filing Data

Reduce your compliance risk with BASIC ACA Elevate: 2019 Filing Data DATE: Thu, Dec 05, 2019 TIME: 2:00 pm EST to 2:30 pm EST Register for the webinar here After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Request a recording here if you are unable to attend the live session. […]

HRA Plan: A Customizable Health Benefit

As healthcare costs continue to rise, employers are finding it more difficult to offer comprehensive benefits packages to their workers without spending a fortune. That’s why so many employers are choosing to offer an HRA plan, a powerful tool for providing cost-effective health benefits. The federal government recently issued a ruling that lets employers offer […]

Labor Laws by Company Size

Below is a list of federal labor laws that typically apply to employers, based on number of employees. The list is not exhaustive and does not include state or local requirements, but it will help get you started. All Employers: Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938. Sets federal minimum wage, overtime, record keeping and […]

IRS Releases Instructions and Draft Form 1094-C and 1095-C

The IRS has just released instructions and draft Form 1094-C and 1095-C for 2019. View them here: Draft Form 1094-C Draft Form 1095-C Instructions for Form 1094-C and 1095-C From the 2019 Instructions for Forms 1094-C and 1095-C: Purpose of Form Employers with 50 or more full-time employees (including full-time equivalent employees) in the previous […]

2020 Benefit Limits for FSA, Commuter, and QSEHRA Released by IRS

On November 6, 2019, the Internal Revenue Service announced in Revenue Procedure 2019-44 the annual inflation adjustments for more than 60 tax provisions for 2020, including the tax rate schedules, and other tax changes. Employers should be aware of the new 2020 benefit limits. This Revenue Procedure provides details about these annual adjustments: Flexible Spending […]

What You Need to Know About 2019 ACA Reporting: Requirements and Penalties

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) places many requirements on employers nationwide, but Applicable Large Employers (ALEs) have unique health coverage and information reporting requirements that could result in additional non-compliance penalties. An employer is considered an ALE if they had at least 50 full time equivalent employees in the previous calendar year. In addition to […]

Tips for Tracking Employees’ Hours

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires that employers track hours worked by nonexempt employees, who typically are paid by the hour. Although you can choose your own timekeeping system, it’s essential that the records you keep are accurate and complete. Learn about BASIC Timekeeping System Options The evolution of technology has yielded an increased […]