Please note: Leave & Absence Management follows a different process.
Transmission: Files must be transmitted by SFTP. (FTP with PGP encryption is available if SFTP is not an option). Also, PGP at a file-level can be added to sending with SFTP if requested for extra security, but file-level encryption is not set up by default. (We prefer a custom TCP port for the Secure FTP, but can support the default port of 22, by adding the public-facing IP address of the server doing sending into our firewall. In that case, the sending party must make a note to let us know of any change to that IP address or range, or established feeds could stop working without warning).
Notification: We request that the vendor doing the sending of EDI files is able to send an email notification when new files are sent, with the number of records in the file(s) if possible. An email address for notification will be provided per Line Of Service, as part of a new set up.
Vendors with existing SFTP Feeds with BASIC: If you have an existing SFTP feed with BASIC, we request that you use the existing feed for new mutual clients wanting to set up an EDI feed. Ideally, you will already have the password securely stored for reference, and access to our template and recent past setups to allow for consistency in setting up new clients. We can help though if you have new questions about a new setup.
Please Note: BASIC’s systems do not support import files in 834 format. We do accept CSV or Excel formats matching back to a record type in our import specs.
Only applies if client has COBRA with BASIC, and wants to send COBRA EDI files.
Initial Notifications – Changes only (File Type: COBRAIN), record type 5 –
Qualifying Events – Changes only (File Type: COBRAQE), record type 6 –
COBRA Plan Names: Please contact EDIAdmin at and request a PDF version of the insurance plan report for the Employer being set up to see the plan names to match to. If any plan names have commas in them then, if you are sending us a CSV file, please be sure to qualify the plan name field by surrounding it in double quotes, or the comma will be inappropriately considered as the start of the next field.
COBRA Coverage Levels: Please match coverage levels to the appropriate ones below. It is not case sensitive. The import process has been modified so that the apostrophe shown before the EE is optional, so EE & SPOUSE works as well as ‘EE & SPOUSE for example. TWO PARTY is like the 3 tier version of the ‘EE & SPOUSE coverage level. It also matches our system if you send it as 2 PARTY)
Two Tier
Three Tier
Four Tier
Five Tier
‘EE & 2+ KIDS